Adan Mendez Free People Check 

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6 Q's About the News | U.S. Establishes Military Base in Australia -...
What tensions have arisen as a result of President Obama’s announcement that the United States is establishing a Marine base in Australia?

Man who placed hidden camera in Airbnb rental to spy on guests...
Cesar Adan Mendez Fuentes, 35, arrested after 26-year-old woman staying at property in Greenville, South Carolina, reported finding secret recording device

Cesar Adan Mendez Fuentes Archives - WWAY › news-tags › cesar-adan-mendez-fuentes
Tag: Cesar Adan Mendez Fuentes. South Carolina man arrested after Airbnb guest finds camera · Associated Press - December 12, :00 AM. 0. A South ...

Drug task force seizes 37 pounds of meth from Vancouver › news › aug › drug-task-force-seizes-37-lbs-of...
The driver, 39-year-old Adan Mendez-Pulido, faces charges of attempting to elude police, drug possession with intent to deliver and illegal possession of a firearm. ( Clark County Sheriff's Office)
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