Alexander Italianer Free People Check 

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Event announcement: Dr. Alexander Italianer - March 21,
On March 21 st 2014, the inaugural Policy Forum by Dr. Alexander Italianer, Director-General of DG Competition, on a series titled “National Competition Law

FEB graduate top official in Europe: Alexander Italianer new...
Alexander Italianer, who completed his university education in econometrics and his PhD in economics at the Faculty of Economics and ...

Alexander Italianer, Secretary-General of the European ...
On 14 June, the Secretary-General of the European Commission, Mr Alexander Italianer, accompanied by the Director-General of the Commission’s Internal Audit Service, Mr Manfred Kraff, and the acting Deputy Director-General of the Commission’s DG Budget, Ms Aldea Busquets, visited the ECA to discuss relations between the two institutions with the Court’s Members.
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