Images of Christian Zoëga Jessen
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Google News: Real Time, arrivano Abito da sposa cercasi e Grassi contro magri
[NanoPress] - Qui il Dottor Christian Jessen, la giornalista Anna Richardson e la nutrizionista Gillian McKeith studiano il rapporto fra noi e il cibo. Anche Grassi contro magri è giunto alla sua terza stagione e racconta cosa quando una persona magra e una in
Embarrassing Fat Bodies, 9pm, C4
[Express.co.uk] - In this new four-part series, doctors Christian Jessen, Dawn Harper and Pixie McKenna welcome the dangerously oversized into their clinic. In this opener, the medics witness some jaw-dropping sights, including Glenn, whose stomach literally touches the
Embarrassing Bodies Live From The Clinic: I don't do freak shows
[Mirror.co.uk] - Is “celebrity” Dr Christian Jessen sticking a swab down some rugby player's manhood what children should be watching on telly? And while we're asking questions, what happened to Diagnosis Live From The Clinic? For one week only... except in all the
The Dukan debate
[Evening Standard] - Pass the mash. by Dr Christian Jessen Looking for a quick-fix solution to a weight problem is the first and possibly biggest mistake because, quite frankly, there isn't one. Successfully dieting involves slow but steady weight loss at a rate of 1-2lb
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