Consuelo Jimenez and Underwood Free People Check 

( I'm Consuelo Jimenez)
(1 - 37 from 60

Consuelo Jimenez Underwood's roots in fiber art - SFGate
HOME & GARDEN 'Craft in America' series traces medium's evolution into hub where heritage, innovation and beliefs blend Since the series first aired in 2007,

Consuelo Jimenez Underwood's roots in fiber art -
When Cupertino resident and nationally acclaimed fiber artist Consuelo Jimenez Underwood got the word that she would be featured this month in the fourth...

Exposing Unseen Boundaries: Works by Consuelo Jimenez › clacs › events › exposing-unseen-boundaries-wor...
Artist Bio | Fiber artist and weaver Consuelo Jimenez Underwood has exhibited and lectured nationally and internationally for more than twenty-five years. She ...

Mother lands - Art of the State Reno News & › reno › content
Consuelo Jimenez Underwood uses textiles to turn the borderlands of her childhood into conceptual spaces. Published on March 5, as ...