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SEC says brokerage firm defrauded school districts

U.S. securities regulators charged a brokerage firm and its former executive Wednesday with defrauding five Wisconsin school districts when it sold them risky...

Stifel, ex-executive settle SEC case over Wisconsin school...

As part of the settlement, St. Louis-based Stifel, Nicolaus & Co and David Noack, a former senior vice president, agreed to admit to wrongdoing, the SEC said.

Deutscher Flankenschutz - junge Welt – die linke Tageszeitung ...

Deutscher Flankenschutz. »Tornados« nach Afghanistan: Marine- und Luftwaffeneinheiten der Bundeswehr erleichtern eine US-Aggression gegen Iran – wie schon bei den Kriegen gegen Irak und David Noack ...

This Week in Securities Litigation (August 12, 2011)

, 2011) is an action against defendants Stifel, Nicolaus & Co., Inc., a retail and institutional brokerage and investment banking firm, and David Noack, a senior vice president of the firm and co-heard of its Milwaukee office. ...
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