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Google News: Satisfecho Edgar Castillo con el desempeño de Xolos ante Toluca

[Uniradio Informa] - El desempeño que mostró el equipo en su duelo contra Toluca, pese a quedar en inferioridad numérica, dejó satisfecho a Edgar Castillo, defensa de Xolos, quien señaló incluso que se pudo sacar el triunfo. “Ya cuando expulsan a Santiago nos quedamos con

10-Man Xolos Draws with Toluca

[Examiner.com] - Once again Edgar Castillo moved along the band dribbling the ball to the danger zones. It took a few seconds for Xolos to get the ball in the net. The game was in play for only 45 seconds when Colombian Duvier Riascos put the ball in the net only to

Google News: Amargo empate para Xoloitzcuintles ante Toluca

[Uniradio Informa] - El equipo tijuanense con cuadro titular, en la defensa Edgar Castillo, Javier Gandolfi, Joshua Abrego, Juan Pablo Santiago, Juan Carlos Núñez en la media cancha Fernando Arce, Egidio Arévalo y Joe Corona y en la delantera José Sand y Duvier Riascos.

US vs. Italy: Roster Predictions

[New York Times (blog)] - Klinsmann has called in seven defenders to each of the last four friendlies, and if he follows that pattern the last defensive slot would likely go to either Tim Ream, now at Bolton, or Edgar Castillo, who is playing well with Tijuana.
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