Emmanuel Gaquerel: Deciphering rapid metabolic changes in plants to...
Emmanuel Gaquerel: Deciphering rapid metabolic changes in plants to herbivory: an integrative omic approach using native tobacco.
Joining forces – deciphering defensive specialized metabolism...
Das gegründete Max-Planck-Institut für Molekulare Pflanzenphysiologie ist eines der führenden Forschungsinstitute weltweit im Bereich pflanzlicher...
ChemBioSys Meeting - ChemBioSys
Dr. Emmanuel Gaquerel. Centre for Organismal Studies. Ruprecht Karls University Heidelberg. "Deciphering cryptic chemical traits that ...
Studying the importance of biological rhythms for the ecological...
Science X Science News Wire : Studying the importance of biological rhythms for the ecological performance of plants -- a press release is provided to you ìas...
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