Eric Trafton Free People Check 

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BETHELITES - Whatever Became of? (page 9)
Wunz_wuz, you have a PM. My memories from Brooklyn (73 to 75): Bud Winfield (I think everyone knew him!), Dan Struck, Don Bond, Eric Trafton, Pat Wilson, Tim

HIGH SCHOOL ROUNDUP : Fullmer, Montclair Prep Flex Their Muscles -...
Brad Fullmer hit his third home run of the week and sixth of the season, helping Montclair Prep defeat visiting Agoura, 12-6, Friday in a nonleague game.

ROUNDUP : Cal Poly SLO Latest Victim of Master's - Los Angeles Times
Emeka Okenwa had 20 points, nine rebounds, three blocked shots and two steals before fouling out late in the second half, leading The Master's College to a...
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