Evan Spiegel Free People Check 

( I'm Evan Spiegel)


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Snapchat CEO 'mortified' by leaked e-mails - CNN

· Snapchat CEO Evan Spiegel is apologizing after filthy e-mails he wrote several years ago in college were leaked.

Evan Spiegel needs to prove Snap not a dog | Business | The Sunday...

On a typical day at the Santa Monica head office of Snap, workers troop into a room, sit on floor cushions and take turns revealing their deepest secrets. On...

Evan Spiegel: Millionenschwerer Großkotz? | kurier.at

Mit rund vier Milliarden Dollar Vermögen gilt Evan Spiegel (26) als einer der reichsten Jungmilliardäre der Welt. Bei seiner Hochzeit mit ...

Ads are coming to Snapchat says CEO Evan Spiegel - UPI.com

Snapchat CEO Evan Spiegel said Wednesday that ads will soon be coming to the disappearing message app to hold their $10 billion valuation.
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