Farahkhan Calls Obama and Barack Free People Check 

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Pawlenty Calls Obama Class-Warfare Champion in Economic Speech

[San Francisco Chronicle] - June 7 (Bloomberg) -- Republican presidential candidate Tim Pawlenty called for lower and streamlined US tax rates, budget cuts and less federal regulation in a speech across the street from the law school where President Barack Obama once taught.

Google News: Mitt Romney Opens in New Hampshire

[Blogcritics.org (blog)] - Mitt Romney calls Obama, who speaks mildly from a position of strength, “apologetic;” it was Barack Obama who said, speaking of the student uprisings in Africa and the Middle East, and of America's role in those uprisings, that we in America support

Google News: Could the Dow hit ?

[MSN Money] - Altucher even calls Obama's presidency the "third administration" of George W. Bush. "This signaled that Barack Obama was going to pay lip service to his constituents while still keeping an eye on the stock market," Altucher writes.

Barack Obama's visit to UK: day one, part one as it happened

[Telegraph.co.uk] - John Major was so furious with Bill Clinton for giving Gerry Adams a visa that he refused to take his calls. Obama and Cameron in comparison is a picture of harmony. Forgive me if I don't share in the Obama-mania currently sweeping the Westminster
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