Farahkhan Calls Obama and President Free People Check 

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Tim Pawlenty calls Obama "declinist," backs off "Obamneycare" line

[CBS News] - Former Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty on Monday coined a new phrase to criticize President Obama, calling him a "declinist," as he backed off a phrase he coined a day earlier to criticize rival Mitt Romney. Pawlenty at first declined to use the word

Google News: Sharron Angle Calls Obama a 'Pretty Face'

[KOLO] - Reporter: AP Comments are posted from viewers like you and do not always reflect the views of this station. by Bill on Jun 10, at 04:53 PM This "donkey" has no room to make any comments about President Osama. I'm no fan of him, but he should have

Notes on Getting Out of the Partisan Trap

[Huffington Post] - Leading the criticism is Dr. Cornel West, who supported the president throughout the campaign, but who now calls Obama a "black mascot of Wall Street oligarchs." His sentiments have been echoed by the respected talk show host Tavis Smiley.

The WikiLeaks News & Views Blog for Friday, June 10

[The Nation. (blog)] - Woman who made great film on Dan Ellsberg calls Obama worst president for whistleblowers. “Speaking at a session on WikiLeaks at the Sheffield Doc/Fest on Thursday, she said that whistleblowing has become more dangerous than ever.
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