Found Malia Obama and Sasha Free People Check 

( I'm Found Malia Obama)
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Michelle, Malia and Sasha Obama in Europe
· First lady Michelle Obama arrives in London with her daughters -- Sasha, right, and Malia -- and her mother, Marian Robinson, on Monday, June 15.

For Sasha and Malia Obama, four more years as the first daughters -...
Dad’s victory means Sasha and Malia will spend their formative years in the White House everybody’s watching

Malia and Sasha Obama through the years - The Washington Post
The first daughters have grown up a lot during their five years in the White House.

As Sasha and Malia Obama become young women, a father laments time...
The president is getting nostalgic as he laments how quickly Malia and Sasha are growing up
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