Forename directory - Names / meaning for "Gregor"

People with the first name "Gregor"

Information about "Gregor"

Name-day: 2.1., 3.9., 9.11.

For this Gregor there are 3557 different names on Yasni.

Most common last names for Gregor are: Beaton, Dahl, Hartmaier

In the ranking of the most common first names Gregor is on position 1778.

During the last seven days Gregor was searched for 163 times.

Meaning of "Gregor"

Male first name (German, Scottish): Gregory, the Vigilant, Ancient Greek (Roman epithet); gregoros = alert; late Roman nickname of Greek origin, popular among the early Christians interpreted as 'alert the returning Christ expecting'; in the Middle Ages popular papal name; so far contributed 16 popes named Gregory and Gregory

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