Hugo Chávez and Bolivarian Free People Check 

( I'm Hugo Chávez)
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Google News: Seguidores de Hugo Chávez se congregan para acompañarlo

[Univisión] - Seguidores del presidente de Venezuela, Hugo Chávez, han comenzado a congregarse para acompañar al líder bolivariano al CNE en Caracas.

Hugo Chávez's Last Word? - Project Syndicate
Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez's death will be followed by a struggle to preserve – or erase – his legacy. Will Chávez's “Bolivarian Revolution” survive, or...

Now for the reckoning | The Economist
After 14 years of oil-fuelled autocracy, Hugo Chávez’s successors will struggle to keep the Bolivarian revolution on the road | Briefing

Narco News: Globalizing the Bolivarian Revolution
Colonel Jorge Barrientos Fernández, a man very close to the president, confessed that Chávez is like a river: “the more you throw at him, the higher he ...