Forename directory - Names / meaning for "Imre"

Information about "Imre"

For this Imre there are 1065 different names on Yasni.

Most common last names for Imre are: Biróczky, Marianna, Molnár

In the ranking of the most common first names Imre is on position 3529.

During the last seven days Imre was searched for 4 times.

Meaning of "Imre"

Male first name (Hungarian): Imre, Old High (two-part name); Amal = competent, brave (Gothic); rihhi = rich, powerful, power, rule, ruler, old German two-part name, by-form of 'Amalric'; the first part of the name 'Amal' is indicative of the name of the royal line of the Amali Ostrogothic or Amelungen

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