Janin Viviane Ahnefeld Free People Check 

( I'm Janin Viviane Ahnefeld)


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Volunteers hand out white kippahs in Berlin parksstljewishlight.org › news › world-news › volunteers-hand-out white-...

30 Apr · Volunteer Janin Viviane Ahnefeld, a German-Israeli attorney, took a break from work to hand out the free yarmulkes.

[PDF] Teen Philanthropists Make an Impact “Sounds of Israel” Cantor's ...cdn.fedweb.org › fed-94

30 Jul · Janin Viviane Ahnefeld, a German-Israeli attorney, took a break from work to hand out the free yarmul- kes. She was accompanied by the best ...

Berlin volunteers hand out 6,000 kippahs at public parks in...

· Janin Viviane Ahnefeld, a German-Israeli attorney, took a break from work to hand out the free yarmulkes. She was accompanied by the best ice-breaker: her kippah-wearing golden retriever, Pete. Ahnefeld said her best customers were "tourists from other countries." "I had people from Denmark, France, Poland, Britain," she said. "And they were all very open, they wanted to join in and they ...

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Der BMW Sailing Cup ist der weltgrößte Regattawettbewerb für Amateure. Ob man mitmachen darf, entscheidet das Los. Ob man gewinnt, entscheidet allein das Talent
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