Google News: AMD promete que habrá más tablets Windows 8 con sus chips
[PcWorld Digital] - La compañía dará a conocer entre seis y 19 tablet con su chip Z-60, que es el nombre clave de Hondo que se anunció a principios de este mes, según John Taylor, director de marketing de AMD. Las nuevas tabletas se darán a conocer en enero del próximo
Google News: AMD пророчит появление новых планшетов на платформе Hondo
[Компьюлента] на платформе Hondo. 25 октября года, 12:59 | Текст: Владимир Парамонов. Директор по маркетингу AMD Джон Тейлор (John Taylor) сообщил, что к выпуску готовится от 6 до 19 планшетов на процессоре Z-60 (платформа Hondo).
Ombudsman finds nepotism and blank cheque misuse at IT agency
[The Age] - The acting Ombudsman, John Taylor, singled out CenITex's former chief executive officer, Peter Blades, for approving what became known in the organisation as a ''blank cheque'' to engage IT contractors for $2 million worth of unspecified projects with
Google News: AMD says more Windows 8 tablets with its chips coming
[PCWorld] - The company will announce between six to 19 tablets for its Z-60 tablet chip, which is code-named Hondo and was announced earlier this month, said John Taylor, director of marketing at AMD. The new tablets will be announced by January next year, around
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