Jon Snoddy Free People Check 

( I'm Jon Snoddy)


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SXSW 2017: Disney 'not in the business of scaring kids!' - BBC News
Intelligent robots will one day mingle among guests at Disney's parks, the company's head of research tells the BBC.

Disney to introduce AI robot Mickey Mouse at theme parks, insists it...
'They’re going to need to understand where they’re going, have goals, and they’re going to have to know how to navigate in a world with humans'

Disney Imagineering EVP Says Star Wars Land Rides are Unprecedented
Jon Snoddy, the Executive Vice President of Disney Imagineering took to the stage of a CES panel and teased Star Wars Land Thursday. The Imagineers are...

Disney's John Snoddy will talk imagineering augmented worlds at TC...
Disney Imagineering's R&D Studio Executive Jon Snoddy. We're ...
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