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Former nanny writing tell-all book about Kardashians
[] - According to, she describes Bruce's sons Brandon and Brody -- who starred in 'The Hills' and has dated the likes of Lauren Conrad and Kristin Cavallari -- as "spoiled and disrespectful", and admits she came close to losing her job after

Google News: OK! or Not OK! With Kathie Lee & Hoda on 'Today'

[OK! Magazine] - This week, Kathie Lee and Hoda talk about brides calling all the shots for their wedding! Kristin Cavallari is planning everything for her big day, and Melania Trump and Bethenny Frankel took control over their weddings, is that OK! or Not OK!

Kristin Cavallari is back on reality TV. This time, she's done being your ...
NASHVILLE — Kristin Cavallari was 17 years old when casting directors showed up at her high school. Fox's prime-time drama “The O.C.” was ...

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