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"Cravattari in guanti bianchi" | Bologna la
Accusati di usura e tentata estorsione per un prestito concesso ad una cliente che li ha denunciati. Contestato un tasso del 121%. Chiesto il rinvio a giudizio...

Insight: From Russia to labor shortages, Latvia faces stern tests in...
From his office near Latvia's border, Valka deputy major Viesturs Zarins can see the future. It's down the road, right at the supermarket and past the derelict...

Latvijas Brīvo arodbiedrību savienības organizētais darba drošības...
... Laura Kokorēviča (E ); Lāsma Jakovele (E ); Anita Stadzilāne (E ); Ieva Laura Cera (EK18-12); EvijaJurgelāne (EK18-12) ...

Ornamenti d'autore's News list
Vintage Costume and Fashion Jewellery Milano. Specializing in selling and booking extraordinary vintage designer costume jewelry for all collectors,...
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