Lexa Doig and Andromeda Free People Check 

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Lexa Doig Andromeda actress movies and TV series, net worth, familysidomexentertainment.com › Latest News › Celebrity Biography

Aug 10, · Lexa Doig is known for her role as Andromeda in the film named after the character, see facts on her family, movies and TV shows, net worth.

Lexa Doig to play Talia al Ghul on 'Arrow' - UPI.comwww.upi.com › Entertainment_News › › Lexa-Doig-to-pl...

"Andromeda" and "Continuum" alum Lexa Doig will portray Talia al Ghul on " Arrow" Season 5, starring Stephen Amell.

Lexa Doig - Actresses - Bellazon

Lexa Doig (born Alexandra Lecciones Doig on June 8, 1973) is a Canadian TV and movie actress. She portrayed the title role in the Canadian-American science fiction-adventure television series Andromeda that premiered on October 2, and concluded on May 13, 2005, after 5 seasons that included ...