Lexa Doig and Talia Al Ghul Free People Check 

( I'm Lexa Doig)
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Lexa Doig to play Talia al Ghul on 'Arrow' - UPI.comwww.upi.com › Entertainment_News › › Lexa-Doig-to-pl...

"Andromeda" and "Continuum" alum Lexa Doig will portray Talia al Ghul on " Arrow" Season 5, starring Stephen Amell.

Arrow's Lexa Doig Says Audiences Will Get a Little Taste of Talia's...

While Arrow fans have yet to see Talia al Ghul share the screen with her sister or father yet, actress Lexa Doig, who plays the character, says an upcoming...

'Arrow' Casting News: Lexa Doig Cast As Talia Al Ghul | Access Online

Another member of the al Ghul family is heading to

Talia al Ghul to be Played by Lexa Doig on Arrow

The al Ghul family is now complete on Arrow as The CW has announced Lexa Doig has joined the cast as Talia al Ghul for the show's fifth season.