Google News: 'Gaullist' eurozone remedy fails to impress
[Financial Times] - That has always been apparent in France, but has only recently emerged in Germany, where officials do not disguise their irritation with José Manuel Barroso, the Commission president. “So what if the Commission is weaker,” was one comment in Berlin
Britain opposes European plans for a Robin Hood tax
[New Statesman (blog)] - José Manuel Barroso, president of the European Commission, responded saying: "Some are saying no before they've studied the proposal which was only finalised a few hours ago ... That doesn't fit with seriousness and credibility.
World Bank warns of 'new danger zone'
[GFS News] - At the emergency one-day July summit in Brussels, European Commission president José Manuel Barroso claimed it was the "first time since the beginning of the crisis" that politics and the markets had come together. However, amid renewed panic in
Google News: Berlin and Paris lead vote of confidence
[Financial Times] - But the message contained two more subtle signals: one was a blunt response to José Manuel Barroso, president of the European Commission, that his call last week to give more money to the EFSF was out of order. France and Germany would implement
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