Michael Obama and Barack Free People Check 

( I'm Michael Obama)
(1 - 20 from 33

Obama's Youth Shaped His Nuclear-Free Vision

[New York Times] - In college, Barack Obama wrote about nuclear arms. As a senator, he viewed a deactivated Russian nuclear missile. By WILLIAM J. BROAD and DAVID E. SANGER In

Barack Obama Immediately Regrets Asking For Your Help

[Huffington Post] - Ben Nelson, Mary Landrieu (LA), Ron Wyden (OR), Arlen Specter (PA), and Dianne Feinstein (CA.). Mary Landrieu is in that 28% minority, (which appears to

Michael Jackson's death puts focus on racial identity

[Seattle Times] - Jackson was to music what Michael Jordan was to sports and Barack Obama to politics — a towering figure with crossover appeal even if in life