Mike Ingham Free People Check 

( I'm Mike Ingham)


Images of Mike Ingham

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East Lancs cricket legend in ‘race abuse’ probe | Lancashire Telegraph

LANCASHIRE League record run scorer Mike Ingham is set to quit playing cricket claiming he has been sacked as second team captain of Haslingden…

Rochester's Mike Ingham receives US Sailing honor as top coach

Like a steady wind filling a sail, Mike Ingham strives to be consistent as a coach. That's whether the accomplished Rochester skipper is ...

Guardian: Fine pundits Alan Hansen and Mike Ingham deserve samba ...

Barry Glendenning: The BBC TV pundit Alan Hansen and Radio 5 Live commentator Mike Ingham have been thoughtful, incisive and calm ...

Rochester's Mike Ingham receives US Sailing honor as top coach

Veteran skipper helped Paralympic team to silver medal at Rio Games as well as world title
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