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Google News: Drunk driver could barely walk

[Sarnia Observer] - By NEIL BOWEN, The Observer A drunk driver nabbed during an OPP RIDE check as he drove off the Sombra ferry has been fined $1200 in Sarnia court. Timothy Hay, 55, of Sombra, was convicted of the April 10, impaired driving following a trial spread

Google News: Officer nabs two drunk drivers

[Sarnia Observer] - By NEIL BOWEN, The Observer An OPP officer on the lookout for drunk drivers in December arrested two of them nine days apart in St. Clair Township. Matthew A. Delorme, 24, of Petrolia, and Matthew Fisher, 21, of St. Clair Township, pled guilty to

Assaulted pregnant spouse
[Chatham Daily News] - By NEIL BOWEN A young man who assaulted his pregnant spouse by pulling her into their apartment has been sentenced to 10 days in jail. Sean Michael Burk, 22, of Chatham, pled guilty to the March 15, assault and was sentenced Friday in Sarnia court

Google News: Drunk driver pulled into bar, hit parked car

[Sarnia Observer] - By NEIL BOWEN, The Observer A drunk driver whose weaving vehicle went through two red lights before pulling into a bar and hitting a parked car has been fined $ James Charles Cord, 63, of Sarnia, pled guilty to the Nov. 1, impaired driving
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