Forename directory - Names / meaning for "Noelle"

Information about "Noelle"

For this Noelle there are 3199 different names on Yasni.

Most common last names for Noelle are: Alline, Bède, Bertin

In the ranking of the most common first names Noelle is on position 2015.

During the last seven days Noelle was searched for 115 times.

Meaning of "Noelle"

Female first name (English): Noelle, born to at Christmas, Latin (New Testament); = natalis birthday, the NOEL Christmas (French); information to the male form of Noel:; from the Latin word 'dies natalis' (day of birth ), which is understood in Christianity as the birthday of Christ, therefore meaning 'of the birthday of Christ (Christmas) infants;' Noel 'is also the normal French word for Christmas

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