Olga Mazurova Free People Check 

( I'm Olga Mazurova)


Images of Olga Mazurova

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Russian debtors despair as boom turns to bust - BBC News

Millions of Russians are now saddled with big debts after getting easy loans during the boom years, Oleg Boldyrev reports.

Russian court lifts injunction on IKEA unit accounts | Reuters

A Russian court on Tuesday lifted an injunction which had frozen around $145 million in the accounts of a local unit of Swedish furniture company IKEA, a court...

14 LGBT activists arrested across Russia on opening day of Winter...

On the opening day of the Winter Olympics, Russian authorities have arrested at least 14 LGBT campaigners – 10 in Red Square in Moscow and four on Vasilyevsky...

Pressimus.com | Anti-War Demonstrators Arrested in Moscow

... Yelena Cherepanova-Malko, Olga Mazurova, Yelena Zakharova, Yelena Bukvareva and Andrei Kurgin. They have been taken away in a police van at 19: 30.
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Forename "Olga" (25777)
Name "Mazurova" (23)
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