Olja Stanic and Banja Luka Free People Check 

( I'm Olja Stanic)
(1 - 16 from 19

UPDATE 1-Russia buys Bosnia oil industries for 121 mln euros | Reuters

Feb 01, · BANJA LUKA, Bosnia | By Olja Stanic. BANJA LUKA, ... Our Flagship financial information platform incorporating Reuters Insider;

Bosnian Serbs to join Russia-led gas pipeline - Worldnews.com

Mar 04, · (Adds quotes, background) By Olja Stanic BANJA LUKA, Bosnia, March 5 (Reuters) - The Bosnian Serb Republic will join the South Stream gas pipeline project

Bosnia region adopts budget, meets IMF terms

By Olja Stanic BANJA LUKA, Bosnia, Dec 17 (Reuters) - Parliament in the Bosnian Serb Republic passed the budget late on Wednesday, ...

UPDATE 3-CEZ sells stake in Bosnia project but still interested |...

(Adds CEZ comments on interest in project) Olja Stanic BANJA LUKA, Bosnia, Jan 28 (Reuters) - Czech power companyCEZ said on Wednesday it would