Peter Crossley Free People Check 

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Google News: New or refurb? A rational approach to moulding robotics

[Plastics & Rubber Weekly] - PCMA was founded two years ago by Peter Crossley, Technical Director, and Roger Ewers, Technical Sales Director. The two met as colleagues with a previous employer. Their company has developed to offer a versatile choice of robotics for all the usual

Peter Crossley - Lancashire Telegraph
PETER CROSSLEY Peacefully in the Royal Blackburn Hospital, on Friday, April 8th, 2016, Peter, aged 69 years, dearly loved husband and soulmate to…

Police charge 21-year-old over grandmother's death
The driver of a car that allegedly hit an elderly woman crossing a busy road in Midland on Wednesday has been charged.

Guardian: They cannot be serious | From the Observer | The Guardian

Broadway Malyan, with their plans for a prime London site, are nothing new. They are just the latest architects whose elephantine tread has ruined our cities.
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