Plamen Iltchev Free People Check 

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Images of Plamen Iltchev

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ECE managt "Mega Mall" in Sofia
ECE managt

City Center Sofia Goes for Major Facelift, Re-Positioning -...
... enables us to cater to the full range of needs and requirements of our clients“, says Mr. Plamen Iltchev, Managing Director of ECE in Bulgaria.

Ivo Prokopiev Elected Chairman of CEIBG - KRIB - Confederation of...
KRIB is - the Voice of the Bulgarian Business - that: produces three quarters of the GDP of the country, provides for over jobs, unites over

German Real Estate Firm ECE Aims to Double Portfolio in Bulgaria to...
... billion euro in the next three to five years, managing director of ECE Projektmanagement Bulgaria, Plamen Iltchev, told a news conference.
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