Ranganath Mishra and Dalit Free People Check 

( I'm Ranganath Mishra)
(1 - 15 from 18

Facing the worst of both worlds

[The Hindu] - Despite forming a sizeable portion, political representation from these sections has remained wanting. “Our Dalit counterparts from SC and ST sections have achieved sizeable political representation due to reservations. Despite Justice Ranganath Mishra

Google News: Politicos reiterate stance on Dalit Christians at press meet - Christian Today

[India] - The UPA government in fact already has substantial reasons to approve the SC status for Dalit Christians – the report by Justice Ranganath Mishra Commission

SC status to Dalit Muslims, Christians will encourage conversion |...

Claiming that extending reservation in government jobs to Dalits of minority communities would encourage conversions...

Christian, Muslim Dalits look to top court for justice - ucanews.com

Christian, Muslim Dalits look to top court for justice. Move comes after government opposes granting of job 'reservation rights'