Ranganath Mishra and Justice Free People Check 

( I'm Ranganath Mishra)
(1 - 38 from 65

Facing the worst of both worlds

[The Hindu] - Despite forming a sizeable portion, political representation from these sections has remained wanting. “Our Dalit counterparts from SC and ST sections have achieved sizeable political representation due to reservations. Despite Justice Ranganath Mishra

6 ஐ.ஏ.எஸ்., அதிகாரிகள் மாற்றம்

[தினமலர்] - Even after justice Ranganath Mishra commitee submitted its reports five years back and all ministries ,national minority commission, SC/ST Commissions gave clearance, support from major political parties,a claim of 62 years old- this government is not

Google News: Politicos reiterate stance on Dalit Christians at press meet - Christian Today

[India] - The UPA government in fact already has substantial reasons to approve the SC status for Dalit Christians – the report by Justice Ranganath Mishra Commission

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