Sean Hannity and President Free People Check 

( I'm Sean Hannity)
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Google News: In Brief - March 18, 2010

[FMQB] - The new rep for Researcher is Amy Vokes, VP of Research, Radio One; Digital Radio is Deb Esayian, President, Emmis Interactive; Network Radio is David

Google News: Media falsely attribute doctor survey to New England Journal of Medicine

[Media Matters for America] - Hannity guest attributes study to NEJM. On the March 16 edition of his Fox News show, Sean Hannity asked Milton Wolf, a radiologist who says he is President

McCain Responds to Testy Exchange With Obama
[FOXNews] - But the president came out swinging against his GOP rival, Arizona Senator John McCain. Now take a look at this testy exchange that occurred between

No, Sean, Carter Isn't Distancing Himself from Obama
[David Horowitz's NewsReal Blog (blog)] - Mediaite is calling Sean Hannity to task for a misleading characterization of recent remarks from former President Jimmy Carter.