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Olympic Flame ignites - Sky Sportswww.skysports.com › olympics › news › olympic-flame-ignites
10 May · Chairman of the Olympic Torch Relay Commission Spyros Zannias, International Olympic Committee president Jacques Rogge, Hellenic Olympic ...
Greek official acknowledges Halkia torch mistake - Worldnews.com
Olympic Torch Relay Commission president Spyros Zannias says Fani Halkia was included
London Olympic flame lit at Olympia - Olympic News
... Efthymios Kotzas; and the Chairman of the HOC’s Olympic Torch Relay Commission, Spyros Zannias, IOC President Jacques Rogge said in his speech: ...
Olympic Flame snuffed out! Lord Coe looks on in ancient Olympia as...
London chairman Lord Coe was joined by IOC president Jacques Rogge and other Olympics officials as performers completed the torch-lighting routine prior...
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