Forename directory - Names / meaning for "Susi"

Information about "Susi"

For this Susi there are 2527 different names on Yasni.

Most common last names for Susi are: Bonso, Brenden, Galeano

In the ranking of the most common first names Susi is on position 2367.

During the last seven days Susi was searched for 3 times.

Meaning of "Susi"

Female first name (German): Susi, lily, Hebrew (Old Testament); Shoshan = the lily; Sheshe = the water lily (Egyptian), from the Greek form 'Sous Anna' a Hebrew name 'Schoschanna' or 'Shoshana', with the meaning 'lily', the underlying Hebrew word has Egyptian roots, in the Apocrypha, there is a story of 'Susanne in the Bath', which is wrongly accused

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