Images of Suzanne Snurpus
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Syrian Hackers: We Hacked Obama’s Twitter Account
Jul 11, · Speaking to Quartz, an Organizing for Action worker named Suzanne Snurpus said her Google email account had been compromised, alongside the accounts for “lots” of fellow volunteers, and “we ...
Syrian group claims to have hacked Obama-affiliated website, Twitter...
A website and Twitter account affiliated with President Obama were breached Monday by hackers who call themselves the Syrian Electronic Army, officials said.
nrk.no: Obamas twitterkonto hacket – NRK Urix – Utenriksnyheter og...
En gruppe som støtter regimet til president Assad sier den står bak hackingen av en twitterkonto som brukes av president Barack Obama.
Syrian hackers claim to hack Obama's Twitter account - CBS ...
Oct 28, · An Organizing for Action worker named Suzanne Snurpus told Quartz that several of the non-profit group's email addresses had been compromised, but that all passwords had been changed and an extra ...
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