Forename directory - Names / meaning for "Terry"

Information about "Terry"

For this Terry there are 27718 different names on Yasni.

Most common last names for Terry are: Smith, Aikman, Allen

In the ranking of the most common first names Terry is on position 203.

During the last seven days Terry was searched for 71 times.

Meaning of "Terry"

Male first name (English): Terry, Latin (Roman family name), originally a Roman family name 'Terence', whose origin and meaning are disputed Female first name (English): Terry, the Slayer first name) (?) Greek (Geographic name as there = the animal that hunted animal, origin not known, might be 'there' (huntable animal) and thus with meaning 'hunter', 'Therasia' is the name of a small island next to Thera or Santorini, the name is so often interpreted as 'Woman of the island Therasia'

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