Todd Akin: Portrait of stupidity
[Washington Times] - Missouri Republican senatorial candidate Todd Akin is not just an ordinary moron and idiot. He is an outrageous moron and idiot. He is currently a member of the House of Representatives, a body, as a whole, not known for its genius, ethics, or morality.
Could Todd Akin's gaffe actually help the GOP in Missouri?
[Washington Post (blog)] - With a single interview that aired Sunday, Rep. Todd Akin (R-Mo.) created a giant political headache for his entire party. But if he ends his Senate bid soon (a big if, considering his apparent willingness to press ahead the last couple of days), he
Obama capitaliza debate del aborto tras dichos de Todd Akin
[] - Altercado. Las afirmaciones del congresista republicano Todd Akin sembró la polémica del electorado estadounidense además de que sus colegas de partido lo “cortaron”. Foto: Vanguardia-EFE. WASHINGTON, EU.- El tema sobre el aborto y el derecho de
Todd Akin defiant as he faces deadline to withdraw from election
[] - Todd Akin vowed to fight on in his embattled Senate campaign, but an significant deadline loomed Tuesday that was bound to intensify pressure on the Missouri congressman to abandon the race over his comments that women's bodies can prevent
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