Tony Blair Free People Check 

( I'm Tony Blair)


Images of Tony Blair

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Tony Blair's sister-in-law who converted to Islam will participate in ...
[News Tribe] - Islamabad: Lauren Booth, a sister-in-law of former British prime minister Tony Blair is in Pakistan to take part in a peace march that would proceed towards Pakistan's South Waziritan's restive region against US drone attacks. Lauren Booth, who

Google News: Master in communications

[] - As press secretary and director of communications and strategy between and 2003, Alastair Campbell was Tony Blair's right-hand man and widely considered to be the second most powerful person in Britain for much of this time. He's credited with

Ex-York lecturer Malcolm Wicks dies aged 65
[The Press, York] - Malcolm Wicks, an expert on poverty who became a Labour minister for education, pensions and energy under Tony Blair and Gordon Brown, was one of the first members of staff in the university's then Department of Social Administration and Social Work.

Now Boris and old foe Ken are breaking bread
[Evening Standard] - In 1994, Tony Blair and Gordon Brown brokered their Labour leadership deal in Granita in Islington. Nearly two decades later, another historic summit happened across the road. London Mayor Boris Johnson took his Labour rival Ken Livingstone out to
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