Viera Pawlikova-Vilhanova and Africa Free People Check 

( I'm Viera Pawlikova-Vilhanova)
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International Meeting: FONTES HISTORIAE AFRICANAE (South Legon,...
International Meeting: FONTES HISTORIAE AFRICANAE (South Legon, Accra, 2002) Author : Viera Pawlikova-Vilhanova | Publish Time : | Hits : 154

3rd biennial conference on African history | H-Soz-Kult....
Panelists: Frank Hadler, Steffi Marung, Hanna Rubinkowska, Istvan Tarrosy, Viera Vilhanova. 12:30 Lunch and poster presentations. 14:00 – 15:30 Roundtable IV – Transregional histories within and without Africa Convenor: Geert Castryck Panelists: Samuël Coghe, Camille Lefebvre, Achim von Oppen, Iain Walker.

Hodgson, Francis and Jessie - Dictionary of African Christian › stories › tanzania › hodgson--f-j
(Part I. Translations into Swahili) by Viera Pawlikova-Vilhanova Retrievable from ...