Yasser Nasr Free People Check 

( I'm Yasser Nasr)


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WRAPUP 6-Egypt unrest casts shadow over polls - Yahoo! News UK

But Yasser Nasr, assisting at a makeshift clinic, said: "They cannot delay elections. It will mess up the situation. Once they happen, hopefully things will improve."

The Famous Walden Follies Are Coming Soon!!!

Oh yes folks! You will be served quickly with classy semi-tuxedoed waiter staff while Maître‘d/Wine Stewart Yasser Nasr tends the bar himself.


Eng. Yasser Nasr Zaghloul CEO National Marine Dredging Company, awarded Maritime Construction and Engineering CEO Excellence Award. The “Maritime ...

Awards maintain Standard for excellence

The third annual Maritime Standard Awards, held on Monday 24th October at the iconic Atlantis Ballroom, on The Palm, have raised the bar still higher for ...
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