For Zutavern there are 6 on Yasni with different names.
Among the most common last names on Yasni Zutavern is on position 4521.
The origin of the extended family "Taverna", "Taffe" UHD "Zutavern is located in the Davos / Graubünden ind Switzerland, where today the name" Taverna "is represented. He found, for the first time in 1389 in a document around Davos. After the Swiss Society for Family Research in Bern, derives its name from Taverna taberna (Latin) = inn. He originally adhered to a house, walked over to the family and then inherited. The Bishop of Churchill gave his time on his subjects the right to erect on the mountain passes inns. The owner of such a guest house probably took the name of the house as a family name. The oldest house, which is known in the town of Davos is, "to Tafe. It lies between Glaris and Monstein at the point where the road branches off the streets Monsteiner of. In the second half of the 17th century. walked on the 11/09/1641, born in Glaris Jöri to Taferne from the Palatinate and settled in the town of Heidelberg home in Bruchsal. His descendants still partly there, partly they have vertreut on the former Palatinate. The family name has been set at about 1712 "Zutavern. (Excerpt from "TAVERNA-Taff Zutavern, history and family tree," edited by Dr. Walter Taffe, Forest Director retired, formerly Birkenfeld / Nahe)
(Sent from: Klaus Zutavern, Deggendorf)