Abu Ismail and Islamist Free People Check 

( I'm Abu Ismail)
(1 - 15 from 20

Egypt presidential race to open mid-April

[Africasia] - Other candidates include Ahmad Shafiq, the last prime minister to serve under Mubarak, as well as Salafist leader Hazem Salah Abu Ismail, Nasserite head Hamdeen Sabahi and Islamist independent figure Salim al-Awwa. Egypt's powerful Muslim Brotherhood

Mother’s U.S. Citizenship May Disqualify Egyptian ...

· Sheik Hazem Salah Abu Ismail, an ultraconservative Islamist at the front of Egypt’s presidential race, may not be able to run because his mother became ...

Hazem Salah Abu Ismail arrested | Egypt Independent

An Egyptian hardline Islamist presidential candidate was arrested on Friday and accused of inciting violence as thousands of Islamists marched across Cairo to...

Excluido el candidato salafista egipcio, Abu Ismail, por tener una...

Los islamistas radicales, atrapados por una norma que ellos mismos impulsaron, denuncian un «complot»