Name-day: 24.12.
For this Adam there are 52549 different names on Yasni.
Most common last names for Adam are: Ali, Barish, Kolaśniewski
In the ranking of the most common first names Adam is on position 63.
During the last seven days Adam was searched for 328 times.
Male first name (German, English, French, Polish, Russian, Arabic): Adam, Man, Hebrew (Old Testament); adamah = the red earth, the earth, adam = man; adom = red; origin uncertain clarified, perhaps from Hebrew 'adam' (red) in the Bible, Adam is the progenitor of mankind, because Adam was created by God from earth, it is in the Bible, a word play on Hebrew 'adamah' (red earth), is used by the Jews themselves understood not as a first name, but is the word for 'man'