Are Foss and Linux Free People Check 

( I'm Are Foss)
(1 - 27 from 36

Open Source to Go!: Notebook Pr0n
by Lefty  When are FOSS projects going to wake up. People use applications, they don't care about ideology. The two main environments for Linux really need to get this through their heads. KDE thinks we want eye candied Windows look-a-likes, ...

The Beez' speaks..: Your average Joe Tuxpack
by The Beez'  Note there are FOSS initiatives like Wine, ReactOS and Linux Unified Kernel which most FOSS users do not object at all. What is your Windows experience? Personally, I've used Windows up to Windows 98. That is, within a virtual machine, ...

Linux Hater's Blog: Pulse my audio
by Linux Hater  If there are FOSS apps that you despise in Linux then you'll mostly likely despise them on BSD and Solaris as well. You might not hate them as much, however, because they may not crash every ten minutes like they do on Linux. ...

foss links
by RJ Ian S. Sevilla  this links are foss application that are equivalents/replacements/ analogs of windows software in linux: open-source-application-that-you.html ...