Forename directory - Names / meaning for "Arturo"

People with the first name "Arturo"

Arturo Aguilar Arturo Alayo Arturo Alba Arturo Anell Arturo Arana Arturo Arvizu Arturo Aviles Arturo Badillo Arturo Cagaduro Arturo Camacho Arturo Campos Arturo Carballo Arturo Cardiel Arturo Cardona Arturo Carmona Arturo Cervantes Arturo Cesar Arturo Cherena Arturo Contreras Arturo David Arturo Diaz Arturo Diego Arturo Duharte Arturo Escalera Arturo Escartín Arturo Espejo Arturo Febry Arturo Fernandez Arturo Galvan Arturo Garcia Arturo Garcia Rojas Arturo Gomez Arturo Gonzalez Arturo González-Campos Arturo Grado Arturo Guzman Arturo Hernandez Arturo Herrera Arturo Himmer Arturo Huamani Arturo Hurtado Arturo I. Sanchez Arturo J Gutierrez Arturo J. Villarreal Arturo James Arturo Jesus Arturo Juárez Arturo Lemus Arturo Leon Arturo Lopez Arturo Luis Arturo Macias Arturo Malave Arturo Mancilla Arturo Martinez Arturo Meza Arturo Mondragon Arturo Montoya Arturo Morales Arturo Munguia Arturo Munoz Arturo Narvaez Arturo Neri Barrio Arturo Oliva Arturo Pardi Arturo Pasten Arturo Peguero Arturo Pizano Arturo Quiles Arturo Quintero Arturo Rene Arturo Requejo Arturo Rivas Arturo Rivas Diaz Arturo Robles Arturo Rodriguez Arturo Rosas Arturo Sanchez Arturo Sandoval Arturo Segura Arturo Tarabay Arturo Thiele-Sardina Arturo Torres Arturo Tosi Arturo Trevino Arturo Uribe Arturo Valencia Arturo Vazquez Arturo Velazquez Arturo Velazquez Arreguin Arturo Vial Arturo Victor Arturo Vidal Arturo Villarreal-Verdecia Arturo Villegas Arturo Vitali Arturo Vivar Arturo Viveros Arturo Zàrate Arturo De La Peña
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Information about "Arturo"

For this Arturo there are 9275 different names on Yasni.

Most common last names for Arturo are: Lopez, Morales, Aceguera

In the ranking of the most common first names Arturo is on position 754.

During the last seven days Arturo was searched for 88 times.

Meaning of "Arturo"

Male first name (Italian, Spanish): Arturo, the bear, Celtic (Arthurian legend) = arth, the bear laid artus = (Latin), spread by the legend of King Arthur and his Round Table (6th century (?) ), the origin of the name is resolved not sure, perhaps of Celtic 'arth' (bear), a word which was Latinized as 'artos', perhaps from the Latin 'Arthur' (fixed)

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