Syrian ambassador defends Assad regime - CNN Video
· CNN's Christiane Amanpour speaks with Syria's UN envoy Bashar Jaafari about claims his government used chemical weapons.
Syria's U.N. ambassador rips criticism of his daughter - CNN
· "They are trying to attack me through my own daughter," Bashar Jaafari says;
Bashar Al Assad's Influences Include Many Leading Ladies | Al Bawaba
The trove of Bashar al-Assad’s personal emails reveal an unusual pecking order, lead by three hens. Some of his key influences are the women emerging from his...
Ban calls for resolving Syria border issue after US attack | TopNews
Ban calls for resolving Syria border issue after US attack New York - UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon called Wednesday on Middle Eastern countries to cooperate to resolve issues such as border security following the reported US air raid inside Syria.
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