Caesar Took and Julius Free People Check 

( I'm Caesar Took)
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Who was Julius Caesar? | The › Kids Gazette › Kids Articles
Mar 15, · When his term ended, the Roman Senate ordered him to return to Rome - without entering Italian territory. Instead, Caesar took his army right into ...

Why does February have 28 days, and July and August, 31 days? - Times...
According to a popular legend, July was named after Julius Caesar and hence it had 31 days. Later, when Augustus Caesar took over the ...

BBC - History - Julius Caesar
Discover facts about the life of Julius Caesar - what led him to make himself dictator of Rome? This biography includes details of his romance with Cleopatra...

Dealing With Pirates: How Julius Caesar Handled Things | Thomas...
After dickering around with the local governor over punishment, Caesar took matters into his own hands: Caesar ... went off to Pergamus, where ...
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