Forename directory - Names / meaning for "Carmen"

Information about "Carmen"

Name-day: 16.7.

For this Carmen there are 37894 different names on Yasni.

Most common last names for Carmen are: Garcia, Alvarez, Lopez

In the ranking of the most common first names Carmen is on position 108.

During the last seven days Carmen was searched for 205 times.

Meaning of "Carmen"

Female first name (Spanish): Carmen; Hebrew (Geographic name as first name), Caramel = the orchard, the fertile land, carmen The Song (Latin), from Spanish 'Virgen del Carmen' (Virgin Mary of Mount Caramel in Palestine); on Mount Caramel, the Order of Carmelites was founded, with 'l' at the end was to 'n' under the influence of Latin 'carmen' (song)

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